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Color scale in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2019-10-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: color schememinor scalecolor schemescolorsboiler scalerichter scaleflying colorscolor spectrum
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1) The principle for color scale detection divided into two kinds of colorimetry method and photometry method.
2) It is applicable to use color scale in the grading of color of jadeite jades.
3) The principle for color scale detection can be divided into two kinds of colorimetry method and photometry method.
4) The Bush administration raised the terror alert from yellow to orange, the second - level on a - color scale.
5) The Bush administration raised the terror alert from yellow to orange, the second - highest level color scale.
6) Hit the Curvature Evaluation icon, change the Evaluation Type to Mean and set the Curvature Color Scale Value to 3.
7) Butterfly and moth of common feature is the body and wing surface was full of five forehead six color scale and fine fur.
8) The more friends and distance between two countries, the brighter the lines on a black-blue-white color scale.
More similar words: color schememinor scalecolor schemescolorsboiler scalerichter scaleflying colorscolor spectrumcolor palettecolor saturationwith flying colorspass with flying colorscolour schememusical scalemercalli scaleColor.colorcolor tvrecolorcolor incoloreddecoloroff-colorbicoloroff coloradd colorskin colorcolor boxcolorfuldiscolor
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